5600 issue of ethics government harassed female employees in two years

Administrative Prosecution: 5600 issue of ethics government harassed female employees in two years

Administrative Prosecution statistics revealed that the authority had made ​​during 2011 and 2012 in 5600 the issue of ethics and harassment within the ministries and government bodies, concentrated mostly within the education sector followed by the health sector and government hospitals, while localities is less sectors in terms of issues of sexual harassment.

As observed by the investigation, the harassment take various forms, sometimes have to speak or touch or appearing in a modesty, such as a teacher dislocated his clothes in front of students, it is among the issues made by the Administrative Prosecution do general manager in a school harassment verbal female employee school was signed penalty on Director by the administrative body, forfeit a month of his salary, according to confirmed source Procuratorate of Education.

Also among the facts made by the Administrative Prosecution and the allocation to the Public Prosecution do teacher Imbaba”A place in Egypt” filmed 18 students in situations breach and immoral, as I have already ruled Alexandria Criminal Court to punish teacher sentenced 3 years for having rape of a student “girl”,View student, and also previously ruled that the Disciplinary Court disconnect teacher to display electronic CDs containing pornographic scenes in front of school students in Suez.

Strangely in harassment cases in schools that the Supreme Administrative Court of the State Council appealed to the Ministry of Education – in judgment separate teacher from service in 1989 for having sexually assaulting a female student – separate schools shared, so that does not set teachers in girls’ schools are not set teachers in schools boys , is that based on the educational process did not take the time legal advice, so the phenomenon is even larger at the present time, what happened warned him to the Supreme Administrative Court became the education sector ranked first in crimes of sexual harassment without the rest of the government sectors.

Situation for the health sector is different, the nature of the issues relating to the establishment of doctors harassing ladies patients or nurses in their clinics or hospitals, if it is proved to the Administrative Prosecution accusation to allocate it to the disciplinary court along with notice of the Medical Association for appropriate action.

The chancellor said Islam Ihsan behalf administrative, he noted in recent years the spread of crimes Arts and sexual assault among workers governmental sector, pointing out that most of the crimes was located from teachers to students in hospitals and health units and the Administrative Prosecution stresses in these crimes to gravity and its negative effects on discipline career for civil servants state, so do not hesitate in providing employee accused to disciplinary trial and demanding signing maximum penalty upon a chapter of the job, and added that of the most famous cases in which it appeared a communication to the Administrative Prosecution’s about envoy of the Ministry of Education in England of committing a moral crime during his mission propagated returned to Egypt he was interrogated and referred to the Disciplinary Court, which decided month deducted from his salary but the administrative prosecution appealed the ruling before the Supreme Administrative Court and demanded tougher penalty of up to chapter, but has not been decided upon yet.

He called Ihsan tighten punishment so that chapter and mandatory and not discretionary power of the court to prevent any room for mercy بمرتكب such crimes, and include legislative amendment denying teacher who commit crimes harassment female students from working permanently, especially as the law of civil servants allowed to return public employee to work after 4 years of his class.

Although the facts of sexual harassment governmental sectors, which up to the Administrative Prosecution does not represent a large percentage compared to crimes financial and administrative corruption, the adviser Abdullah Kandil, deputy chief of the Administrative Prosecution asserts that there are many cases, but not reported by women harasser  their fear of scandal, and simply the administrative body to transfer the employee harassed, whether as a teacher or doctor to another because of the sensitivity of such crimes, in schools the administrative body has transferred to a school teacher for boys.

He attributed the Kandil increasing cases of harassment at the Ministry of Education to direct contact between teachers and students, though considered that such cases do not represent the phenomenon, it is an exception to the general rule that assumes the teacher that father does education by education, pointing out that most of these crimes committed during retired teacher female students in private lessons.

He stressed that the Administrative Prosecution do not compromise in signing the most punishment on the government employee and referred to the disciplinary trial, and there are many of the cases referred to the public prosecutor after verifying the existence of criminal suspicion.

Recommendations of the Administrative Prosecution in harassment cases female students do not graduate from being catalysts to the administrative body to curb the phenomenon, as they ask prosecutors tightly controls on schools and increase teachers’ salaries to prevent them from resorting to private lessons, and these recommendations – according to Kandil – public does not oblige the administrative body, stressing that separate schools for girls than boys is a very difficult issue and require large studies and financial costs the state can not afford them.
